Thursday, January 3, 2013

My Fairy Art Mother

At the very first lesson of Life Book 2013 we were given a warm up.
Kinda like when you start running. You warm up first. (not like I know anything about that but that is what I see sporty folks do :D )
This is the same thing. An exercise. We are to create our Fairy Art Mother (or father, or familiar).
Her is mine:

This lovely person will give you encouragement during your creative process. When you start thinking that whatever your making is rubbish and should be filed as such ... in the bin... she (or he, or it) will say things like... "You are good enough" or "Those colors are so vibrant, it makes everything glow".

You know, the things you actually would say to your creative friend who is not feeling proud of herself to make her see that her art (or her writing or her photography or jewelry or whatever creative thing this might be) does make a difference, that it is awesome, to make her view her art in a better mind set....  but you would never say those words to yourself.
Those words will now come from my Fairy Art Mother.
She already spoke to me and I wrote the words down. As she will speak more, I will write that down too.
And as an after thought.... because she is a loving person... and she has all these hearts around her ....
She should be called my Fairy Heart Mother.


  1. I love your Fairy Heart Mother! She is absolutely lovely. Does she have a name? I'm going to watch the videos tonight. I am excited and anxious.

    1. Hi Amy :) Thank you so much. She doesn't have a name yet but i am leaning towards Fionella.

      hugs (( ♥ ))

  2. too cute, i love that you made her flying, but of course!

    1. Thank you Janine. Of course she is flying. She is a fairy after all :)

      hugs (( ♥ ))
